Blog Archive

The 2024 version of Tools I Use

By far the most read post on my blog has been the post about the tools I use day to day as a Software Developer. However, a lot has changed since then, and rath...

Building an app to switch themes on Mac OS

Update: June 4th, 2024 Okay, so it's been almost 4 years since this post, and a lot has changed. For one, Apple Silicon! Also, about a year after writing this ...

The Tools I Use

I've been a huge fan of workflows for a long time now. Specifically, workflow and tooling. When I look back at how my setup has evolved over the years, I've not...

The case for Modular CSS

Over the past couple of years, many buzzwords have arisen around CSS. Immutable, Functional, Modular, and they all pretty much mean the same thing. Write CSS as...

The Snapchat Benchmark

A couple of people that follow me on twitter have asked me lately, why does it say "Creator of the Snapchat Benchmark" on my profile. So what exactly is the Sna...

Java Update

Well, exams are around the corner, and the stress level is real. On the other hand, in this past month, I've really become more confident in my coding skills. I...

It's time to learn how to code

Yes, I know I have always said that I wanted to learn how to code and slowly I have been learning. i tried learning Java at school but sadly, I think I must've ...

Setting up Skeleton Files in Vim

Update: 2020 I'm in the process of migrating over my blog from Gatsby to Next and storing all the content in Prismic. I came across this post and figured I'd le...